Meet the CEO: Q & A with its founder

Who is Joanna Guerrero? The founder of Wanderlust Simplified, a travel curation service, a sister of Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Inc. but first and foremost, a mother to her 6-year-old son and a loving wife.

Tell us about being a Fashion executive and how you transitioned from that field of work into entrepreneurship.  

Fashion really was a passion for me, how it makes people feel to wear just the right outfit, the confidence it builds for people that's why I love fashion. The industry, though, is quite toxic, and I was looking for something I could love outside of work. I considered all of the things that brought me joy, and travel was at the top of the list. So when friends of mine approached me to help them with an upcoming trip, I saw it as a door opening to my future life. I worked both jobs for years before I went full-time entrepreneur. It’s a tough journey but has been a fulfilling one.

In your opinion, do fashion and travel Intertwine? If so, In what way?  

Fashion is influenced by world wide trends. The colors that inspire a designer could be the villages in Italy. It all comes full circle.

Was travel always a passion for you? Where did that come from? 

I wouldn’t say it was always a passion, I became interested in travel in college, but like many college students, I couldn’t afford to go jet set. So after graduating and finding a full-time job travel quickly became my priority. It was what I spent most of my disposable income on. Once the travel bug gets you, it really sticks.

Where did the idea for Wanderlust Simplified come from? 

It started small, and I thought about what I could do to help people plan incredible trips. At first it was the food and sights but eventually, it became the full experience and a hands-off approach to taking a vacation. Wanderlust Simplified is now the service that makes it all happen for you, so you just show up and enjoy your vacation.

Tell us about your company goals and ideas for the future. 

Oh boy! This changes all the time. I want to do international retreats, work with bloggers, and eventually work with corporate accounts. So many other things too! Can’t spill all my secrets.

How has the journey been so far? 

Depends on the day you ask! There have been stressful days, but overall my journey has been fun and incredibly fulfilling.

 Is this a field you see potential growth? 

Ha! I see a lot of people coming into this space after me. The funny thing is, when I started, most people thought it was such a joke. Now it's like, whoa, look at her go! How do I do this too!

What does curated travel mean to you?

 It means a luxury experience and not having to handle booking or worrying about the process. It means picking your favorite things from an already curated list. It means arriving and being greeted by a personal driver and knowing exactly where you’ll be heading that day and what you'll be eating and exploring. There’s less worry and more enjoyment.

Where have you had your best travel experience? 

One of my favorite trips was to Morocco. There was something so special about the Moroccan people and the beauty and colors of their daily life.

What are some travel destinations people would be presently surprised with?

 Guatemala is on that list—also Nicaragua and Albania, and Montenegro.

What do you tell people who are concerned with the prices of travel? 

Watch flights, book early, and keep a travel fund so you're never caught by surprise when a deal strikes.

Can people travel on a budget? 

The time of year really matters in terms of budget travel. 

What is a lower-cost travel destination that you recommend? 

Right now, flights are high almost everywhere but normally places like Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos are all pretty budget friendly.

What is your recommendation for people who want to travel, have never traveled, and are nervous about travel?  

I say start small and work your way up! So maybe it’s a more local destination something  driving distance, perhaps. Opt for destinations with shorter travel times like  2-4 hr flights and build up the courage and experience to continue going further.

Is travel accessible for the whole family? Even people with small children? What have your experiences been like traveling with your young son? 

There are kids everywhere. So it’s perfectly fine for children to travel, even young ones, to travel almost anywhere safely. Yes, of course, remote areas where there is no medical care are not where I would send a family but travel with children isn’t as hard as many people believe. 

Start them young, and they will know and love it. My son packs his own luggage and has been for a long time. He loves the idea of a new adventure!

Any tips for parents who want to travel with their children?

 Prepare yourself mentally for boredom, hunger, and any possible mild sickness. For everything else, just go with the flow and enjoy your destination. 


Tips for travel on a budget